35 research outputs found


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    The –nya clitic is discussable in terms of not only microlinguisctic domains (phonology, morphology and syntax) but also macrolinguistic perspectives like pragmatics and sociolinguistics. In terms of microlinguistics, there are three important findings of the –nya clitic structure : it can appear (a) as a genitive form, (b) as a definite marker, and (c) as a third person pronoun attached to different word categories (verbs, adjectives, and adverbs). Pragmatically speaking, the –nya clitic can distinguish ‘the old information’ from ‘the new one’ overtly and covertly. From the sociolinguistic point of view the –nya clitic is functioned to avoid the use of the second person that directly threatens the interlocutor’s face. The –nya clitic is also used to measure the degree of closeness between the addresser and the addressee (speech participants): the use of -nya indicates closer relationship (as in bukunya mana?), whereas the use of second person forms indicates formality (as in Dimana Buku Anda?). In informal situations, the speaker tends to choose the third person–nya as a marked form instead of the second person forms such as Anda, kamu, Saudara,  Bapak, Ibu, and Dik, which are unmarked. Therefore,  the –nya clitic is grammatically, pragmatically, and sociolinguistically very dynamic in different speech registers


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    Many controversial issues on Indonesian grammar need to discuss to be more detail and four of the most crucial ones are: (a) the morphophonemic processes of the active voice marker, (b) the degree of transitivity for the causative and applicative, (c) the third passive other than di- and ter-, and (d) different types of reflexive. The classical Generative Grammar is applied to approach the first issue, while Typological theory is employed for the three other problems. The objective is to propose a new concept on how the grammatical structure is determined. The norm of morpheme for the active voice marker is meng- since it occurs with a wider distribution, while mem-, men-, meng-, me- and menge- occur in particular phonological environments. In the causative –kan and the applicative –i, the -kan is more transitive than the -i. The construction of OAV in this paper is called the third passive, other than the passive di- and ter-. For the reflexive, it has to be distinguished into transitive with a real Object and pseudo Object. The first type can be passived while the second type is not allowed. Reflexive also takes intransitive where the Subject is Doer and Undergoer at the same time

    Development of a drama gong performance model: an effort to preserve the traditional Balinese drama in the digital era

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    Drama Gong is a traditional Balinese performance art that enjoyed popularity. However, since the 1990s, the advent of television and the internet has led to a decline in the prominence of Drama Gong. Therefore, there is a pressing need to revitalize and innovate this traditional art form. One such effort by Balinese artists involves the creation of a digital adaptation known as 'Drama Keraton Cilinaya.' This qualitative descriptive research aims to explore the development model of Drama Gong in the digital era. The research data were collected through a comprehensive document analysis, which included the examination of seven episodes of 'Drama Keraton Cilinaya,' as well as direct observations and interviews with the creators. The findings revealed that 'Drama Keraton Cilinaya' has undergone significant internal and external innovations. Internally, the artists emphasized the importance of having an open mindset to embrace global changes, packaged stories for enhanced appeal and comprehension, incorporated contemporary dialogue, employed multiple languages, engaged younger talents, enhanced makeup and costume artistry, introduced digital music, and improved stage layouts. External innovations involve collaborations with artists beyond the Drama Gong tradition, utilizing digital technology in production, and distributing the performances through TV media and YouTube channels to broaden their audience reach. It is anticipated that the findings of this research will serve as a valuable digital packaging model, not only for Drama Gong but also for the development of other traditional Balinese performing arts, ensuring their sustainability in the digital era

    BRANDING KABUPATEN GIANYAR Representasi Identitas Kabupaten Seni dan Kabupaten Pusaka di Tengah Komunikasi Lokal, Nasional dan Internasional

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    dengan yang direncanakan berkat perkenaan Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa/Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Untuk itu kami patut menghaturkan rasa angayu bagia dan parasuksma atas kebesaranNya. Sebelum buku ini ditulis oleh Tim Penyusun, terlebih dahulu dilakukan sejumlah kegiatan akademik dan kegiatan lapangan yang dapat memperkaya data dan informasi rancangan Branding Kabupaten Gianyar. Kegiatan akademik yang dimaksud adalah melakukan studi pustaka dan Diskusi Kelompok Terpunpun atau disebut juga Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk menggali dan mengkaji sumber-sumber rujukan yang dapat dijadikan dasar konseptual Branding Gianyar. Selain itu, Panitia Perancangan Branding Kabupaten Gianyar juga melakukan rapat-rapat dan diskusi terbatas untuk mewujudkan dua hal, yaitu (1) tersedianya rancangan desain grafis dan (2) terwujudnya sebuah buku Branding Kabupaten Gianyar. Dalam buku Branding Kabupaten Gianyar ini dikaji tujuh aspek: Bab I Pendahuluan (oleh Drs. I Wayan Geriya), Bab II Gambaran Umum Kabupaten Gianyar: Kabupaten Seni dan Kota Pusaka (oleh Prof.Dr.Phil. I Ketut Ardhana, M.A.), Bab III Branding di Era Modern: Arti, Fungsi, Makna (oleh I Wayan Geriya), Bab IV Transformasi Seni Kecak sebagai Basis Branding Kabupaten Gianyar (oleh Dr. Drs. Anak Agung Gd. Raka, M.Si.), Bab V Aplikasi Branding dalam Pembangunan Kabupaten Gianyar (oleh Prof. Dr. Phil. I Ketut Ardhana, M.A.), Bab VI Legislasi, HaKi dan Sosialisasi Branding (oleh Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S.), dan Bab VII Penutup (oleh Prof. Dr. I Wayan Pastika, M.S.). Di samping ketujuh bab tersebut, buku ini juga dilengkapi sejumlah lampiran yang menginformasikan proses persiapan perancangan Branding Kabupaten Gianyar: hasil rumusan FGD, catatan notulis vi FGD, materi pengantar FGD dari Ketua Panitia, daftar peserta FGD, usulan rancangan grafis Branding Kabupaten Gianyar dari Panitia, dan Pedoman Lomba Branding Kabupaten Gianyar. Pada kesempatan yang baik ini kami patut menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada yang terhormat Bupati Gianyar yang telah memberikan jalan kepada kami untuk mengerjakan tugas mulia ini. Ucapan yang sama kami sampaikan kepada Rektor Universitas Udayana beserta jajarannya yang telah menugasi kami melalui Pusat Kajian Bali Unud untuk bekerja sama menyukseskan penciptaan Branding Kabupaten Gianyar. Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Kabupaten Gianyar beserta jajaran yang telah memfasilitasi kami melalui kerja sama yang sangat baik sehingga semua kegiatan dapat terlaksana dengan lancar. Kepada seluruh tokoh masyarakat Gianyar dan anggota Panitia, kami juga mengucapkan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya atas sumbangan pemikira


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    Provinsi Bali mendapat banyak kontribusi pendapatan dari pengembangan sektor pariwisata. Sebelum pandemi kontribusi sektor pariwisata Bali mencapai 68 persen, sedangkan pertanian hanya 18 persen. Sektor pertanian memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) memaparkan sektor pertanian mampu tumbuh 1,75 persen sepanjang 2020. Jika kedua sektor ini dapat berjalan dengan seimbang maka akan berdampak positif bagi perekonomian daerah khususnya Provinsi Bali. Salah satu upaya dalam mengembangkan sektor pertanian adalah agrowisata salak di Desa Sibetan. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk merancang interior agrowisata salak di Desa Sibetan, Kecamatan Bebandem, Kabupaten Karangasem. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan ini yaitu pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. Metode desain yang diterapkan terdiri dari definisi, teliti, data, ide, impelemtasi. Hasil perancangan yaitu perancangan interior agrowisata salak di Desa Sibetan, Kecamatan Bebandem, Kabupaten Karangasem menggunakan konsep education and recreation, pengunjung dapat belajar sambil berekreasi di kawasan agrowisata salak. Ruangan pada perancangan interior agrowisata salak di Desa Sibetan dikelompokan menjadi ruang edukasi, ruang rekreasi, dan ruang servis. Ruang edukasi terdiri dari ruang pengolahan buah salak, museum salak, kebun salak. Ruang rekreasi terdiri dari restoran, retail, kebun salak. Ruang servis terdiri dari parkir, lobby, office, pantri, toilet. Kata kunci : perancangan, interior, agrowisata, salak, Sibetan

    Readability of the Translation of Figure of Speech in Srimad Bhagavatam From English Into Indonesian

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    The research is a descriptive translation study focusing on the methods and ideology of translation of figure of speech used in the text of Srimad Bhagavatam into Indonesian. It departed from a translation paradigm that considered Srimad Bhagavatam as a product, and the impact of the methods and ideology applied to the readability level of figure of speech translation contained in Srimad Bhagavatam from English to Indonesian. This is a library study and the method used in collecting the data is observation, by reading the studied text carefully on the sentences that contain figure of speech. Data collection technique used is a qualitative one, namely by determining and explaining the methods and ideology embraced by the translator in translating the figure of speech. To view the translation readability level, three informants are involved to complete a questionnaire containing about the readability level of translation. This study shows that the ideology held by the translator is domestication by applying a communicative method of translation on most sentences with figure of speech. Overall, all translation methods used by the translator has a positive impact on the readability level of figure of speech translation from English into Indonesian


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    This study reports the implementation of ICT-based learning materials using Blendspace in phonology classes. The ICT-based learning material was developed in the academic year of 2016/2017. The study was conducted in two stages. The rst stage was the validation of the teaching material by two expert judges. The second stage was trying out of the teaching material in the classroom using classroom action research. The learning material developed has been validated by experts using a checklist as an instrument, which has been analysed using the Gregory formula. The expert judges showed that the content validity of the learning material is 90.9%, which means very valid. In order to test the effectiveness of the learning material, it has been implemented in phonology classes joined by the second-semester Diploma III students of the English Department of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, using classroom action research. Based on the teaching and learning process using the material, more than 70% of the students obtained scores between 76 and 100. Fewer than 30% of the students had scores below 75. Therefore, the learning material is considered effective for learning phonology

    Phonological Development in the Early Speech of an Indonesian-German Bilingual Child

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    Current research in bilingual children’s language development with one language dominant has shown that one linguistic system can affect the other. This is called Crosslinguistic Influence (CLI). This paper explores whether CLI is experienced by a bilingual child raised in two typologically distinct languages in terms of phonological development. It uses data from the study of a child simultaneously acquiring Indonesian and German between the ages of 12 months - 20 months, with Indonesian as the dominant language. The sound segments developed by the child showed universal tendencies, with the appearance of bilabials prior to alveolar sounds, followed by velar sounds. The sounds were produced mostly in the form of stops, nasals and glides. Three phonological processes were displayed by the child: substitution, assimilation and syllable structures. The front rounded vowel [ʏ], which exists in German but not in the Indonesian sound system, was systematically replaced by the palatal approximant [j]. This approximant exists in the Indonesian sound system but not in the German phonemic inventory. This provides evidence that, in terms of phonological development, the child experienced CLI, but only for certain sound transfers